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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present (Unlinked due to bot abuse; request URL: cryptome[at]


hellman-nsa.htm       Martin Hellman on NSA and Joseph Meyer Letter    December 31, 2009
supremes-2009.pdf     Supremes Chief Justice Roberts Year End Report   December 31, 2009

tsa-ssi-02.htm        TSA Sensitive Security Information Unredacted 2  December 31, 2009
hhs011310.pdf         Health InfoTech Standards and Implementation     December 31, 2009        Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive      December 31, 2009 (1.4MB)         NSA FOIA Documents on Joseph Meyer IEEE Letter   December 30, 2009 (2.4MB)
dhs-tra.pdf           DHS Terrorism Risk Analysis Solicitation         December 30, 2009

eo122909.htm          Obama: Classified National Security Information  December 30, 2009
eo13525.pdf           Obama: Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay       December 30, 2009
dot123009.htm         Enhancing Airline Passenger Protections          December 30, 2009
oshkosh-gush.htm      Oshkosh Gush                                     December 29, 2009
gsm-a5-files.htm      GSM A5 Files Published on Cryptome               December 29, 2009

spook-wishlist4.htm   The Modern Spook's Wish List Lecture Notes       December 28, 2009
sealcafc.pdf          Sealed Cases in Federal Courts                   December 28, 2009
obama-protect22.htm   Obama Protection 22                              December 28, 2009
usace122809.htm       Vast Eglin Special Forces Danger Areas Expand    December 28, 2009
tsa122809.htm         TSA Enforcement Actions None                     December 28, 2009

ispab122809.htm       InfoSec and Privacy Panel Meet                   December 28, 2009
c17-swank.htm         DoD C-17 Swank Flying Residence Eyeball Update   December 27, 2009
spook-wishlist3.htm   The Modern Spook's Wish List Part Three          December 26, 2009
tridea-spy.htm        Tridea Works Lawful Spying                       December 26, 2009
microsoft-spy.htm     Microsoft Lawful Spying                          December 26, 2009

dodd-5111-11.pdf      DoD Director of Net Assessment                   December 26, 2009
dodi-4650-02.pdf      Military Auxiliary Radio System                  December 26, 2009        KGV-72 Key Management Plan 3 May 2008 FOUO       December 24, 2009 (2.8MB)
spook-wishlist2.htm   The Modern Spook's Wish List Part Two            December 23, 2009        Unintended Disclosures of Nuclear Sites SNAFU    December 23, 2009 (832KB)

fda122809.htm         Tobacco Health Document Submission               December 23, 2009
dni-kdd.pdf           Spying Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination     December 22, 2009 (565KB)
usa-disasters16.htm   Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 16      December 21, 2009
predator-read.pdf     Reading Data out of Predator Drone Video Feeds   December 21, 2009
cmoc-09-1220.htm      Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center Birdseye     December 20, 2009

nga-09-0225.htm       Geospatial Spy New Campus Under Construction     December 20, 2009
DTM-09-012.pdf        DoD Physical Access Control                      December 19, 2009
dodi-8260-04.pdf      Military Health System for Strategic Analysis    December 19, 2009
dodi-6055-08.pdf      Occupational Ionizing Radiation Protection       December 19, 2009
crop-biowar.pdf       Speciality Crops Biowarfare                      December 18, 2009        DoD Civilian Spies SNAFU                         December 18, 2009 (1.1MB)
gao-10-288r.pdf       DoD Overseas Contingency Funding SNAFU           December 18, 2009        Biosurveillance Collaboration SNAFU              December 18, 2009
gao-10-170r.pdf       Veterans Administration InfoSec Education SNAFU  December 18, 2009
odni-nctc.htm         Masterspy-National Counterterror Center Eyeball  December 18, 2009

tap-latency.htm       Latency in Wiretap Order Fulfillment             December 18, 2009    US Forces Afghanistan Training Needs FOUO        December 18, 2009 (3.4MB)  Secret Testing on Humans at Edgewood Arsenal     December 17, 2009
nyc-stalled.pdf       New York City Stalled                            December 17, 2009
pm121509.htm          Obama Sets Thomson Prison as Homeland Gitmo      December 17, 2009    Convicting the Guilty - Police Use Only          December 17, 2009       Defense Nuclear Weapons School Course Catalog    December 16, 2009 (2.6MB)       Warmaking Waste Auditing 2001-08 SNAFU           December 16, 2009
gao-10-105.pdf        FEMA Community Prepareness SNAFU                 December 16, 2009
hts-birth.htm         US Army Human Terrain System Giving Birth?       December 15, 2009   Afghanistan Intelligence SUPPORTISTAN            December 13, 2009 (1.8MB)        Afghanistan Intelligence Fusion Center           December 13, 2009 (2.7MB)
uas-acas.pdf          Unmanned Air System Collision Avoidance System   December 12, 2009
dni-trust.pdf         DNI Recognizing Signals of Spy Trustworthiness   December 12, 2009     NSA Utah Data Center Descriptive Document        December 12, 2009 (5MB)       Secret Costs for FR Police to Spy Cellphone Data December 12, 2009 (3.4MB)    US Army INSCOM Solicitation for $492 Million     December 12, 2009 (1.7MB)
fbi-jihad.pdf         FBI Jihad Radicalization Process FOUO            December 11, 2009
army-cryptome.htm     US Army Calls Cryptome To Help with FOUO Docs    December 11, 2009
nist121109.htm        FIPS 140-3 Security for Cryptographic Modules    December 11, 2009

bis121109.htm         Wassenaar Arrangement 2008 Implementation        December 11, 2009
hts-cureton.htm       Human Terrain Sergeant Wesley Cureton Wounded    December 10, 2009
obama-protect21.htm   Obama Protection 21                              December 10, 2009
tscm-target.htm       TSCM Expert James Atkinson Targeted              December 10, 2009
cybercafe-virus.htm   CYBERCAFE Virus Sent by Fake Pentagon Address    December 9, 2009

tsa-smoke.htm         TSA Blows Smoke for Sensitive Screening Document December 8, 2009     TSA Sensitive Screening Doc Redactions Lifted    December 8, 2009 (1.8MB)
army-request.htm      U.S. Army Requests Removal of Document           December 7, 2009
in-dual-tech.pdf      India's Quest for Dual-Use Technology            December 7, 2009
att-spy-doc-01.pdf    ATT Lawful Spying Document 1                     December 6, 2009    ATT Lawful Spying Document 2                     December 6, 2009 (2.9MB)    
verizon-spy.pdf       Verizon Lawful Spying Guide                      December 6, 2009
sprint-spy2.pdf       Sprint CALEA Spying Delivery System              December 6, 2009        Sprint Lawful Spying Guide                       December 5, 2009 (600KB)   Voicestream Lawful Spying Guide                  December 5, 2009 (626KB)

yahoo-cryptome.htm    Yahoo Cryptome Messages                          December 5, 2009
opnav-5400-7692.pdf   Navy SERE School Relocates                       December 5, 2009
DA-09-2517A1.pdf      FCC RFC on Circuit-Switched Network to All IP    December 5, 2009
dodi-1300-24.pdf      Wounded and Ill Recovery Coordination Program    December 5, 2009    Handbook 10-11 Escalation of Force Afghan FOUO   December 3, 2009 (4.7MB)

fema-usms.pdf         FEMA-US Marshals MOU for Criminal Data           December 3, 2009
yahoo-demand.pdf      Yahoo Demands Takedown of Yahoo Spying Guide     December 2, 2009
spook-wishlist.htm    The Modern Spook's Data Retention Wish List      December 2, 2009
usa-disasters15.htm   Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 15      December 2, 2009
yahoo-spy.pdf         Yahoo Lawful Spying Guide                        December 2, 2009

cox-spy.pdf           Cox Lawful Spying Guide                          December 2, 2009
sbc-ameritech-spy.pdf SBC-Ameritech Lawful Spying Guide                December 2, 2009
sbc-lea-spy.pdf       SBC Lawful Spying Guide                          December 2, 2009
ameritech-spy.pdf     Ameritech Lawful Spying Guide                    December 2, 2009
cingular-spy.pdf      Cingular Lawful Spying Guide                     December 2, 2009

cricket-spy.pdf       Cricket Lawful Spying Guide                      December 2, 2009
nextel-spy.pdf        Nextel Lawful Spying Guide                       December 2, 2009
pactel-spy.pdf        Pacific Telesis Lawful Spying Guide              December 2, 2009
gte-spy.pdf           GTE Lawful Spying Guide                          December 2, 2009
nsa061606.htm         NSA Ion Trap on a Semiconductor Chip             December 1, 2009

		    O f f s i t e 
KGB-Chair             Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman        December 30, 2009
Howard-Cook 7         Edward Lee Howard's Spy's Cookbook 7 Final       December 27, 2009
Spy-Diary 4           Spook's Journal 4                                December 28, 2009

Howard-Cook 6         Edward Lee Howard's Spy's Cookbook 6             December 27, 2009
PETN                  Comments on Latest Airline Incendiary SNAFU      December 27, 2009
WOFACT                CIA Cryptonyms                                   December 26, 2009
Spy-Diary 3           Spook's Journal 3                                December 25, 2009
ice-holes             America's Secret ICE Black Holes                 December 24, 2009

schwick.htm           Cybersecurity Schwick                            December 23, 2009
Howard-Cook 5         Edward Lee Howard's Spy's Cookbook 5             December 22, 2009
Spy-Diary 2           Spook's Journal 2                                December 21, 2009
Howard-Cook 4         Edward Lee Howard's Spy's Cookbook 4             December 19, 2009
cia-drugs             Human Drug Testing by the CIA 1977               December 19, 2009 (6.4MB)

Spy-Diary 1           Spook's Journal 1                                December 18, 2009
Howard-Cook 3         Edward Lee Howard's Spy's Cookbook 3             December 16, 2009
Howard-Cook 2         Edward Lee Howard's Spy's Cookbook 2             December 14, 2009
Howard-Cook 1         Edward Lee Howard's Spy's Cookbook 1             December 12, 2009
Howard-CIA-KGB        Edward Lee Howard's Spy Guide                    December 11, 2009

Howard-KGB-4          Edward Lee Howard on Spycraft Part 4             December 10, 2009
Howard-KGB-3          Edward Lee Howard on Spycraft Part 3             December 8, 2009
Howard-KGB-2          Edward Lee Howard on Spycraft                    December 7, 2009
MSTP                  Military Space Transparency Project              December 7, 2009
Howard-KGB            Rusing Edward Lee Howard                         December 5, 2009
NOVEMBER 2009 isoo113009.htm National Industrial Security Program Directive 1 November 30, 2009 nsa112309.htm NSA Reconfigurable Memory Processor November 30, 2009 nsa060309.htm NSA High Specific Energy Rechargeable Battery November 30, 2009 Financial Privacy under Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act November 30, 2009 (1MB) wtc112809.htm WTC Freedom Tower Construction Progress November 29, 2009 How Failure to Capture Bin Laden Matters Today November 29, 2009 (3MB) obama-protect20.htm Obama Protection 20 November 28, 2009 dodi-1325-06.pdf DoD Handling of Military Dissidents and Protests November 28, 2009 dodi-4650-06.pdf DoD Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Panels November 28, 2009 dodi-5535-10.pdf DoD Transfer of Technology to First Responders November 28, 2009 nsa-sanantonio.htm NSA San Antonio Cryptological Center Birdseye November 26, 2009 nsa-georgia.htm NSA Georgia Security Operations Center Birdseye November 26, 2009 usa-v-myers.htm USA v. Walter and Gwendolyn Myers Update November 25, 2009 eo13520.htm Obama Orders Reduction of Improper Payments November 24, 2009 usa-disasters14.htm Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 14 November 24, 2009 dos112409.htm ITAR Export Exemption for Technical Data November 24, 2009 uscg112409.htm Coast Guard Sets Security Zone for Freeport TX November 24, 2009 Nuclear Weapons Kansas City Plant SNAFU November 23, 2009 dodi-5240-18.pdf Counterintelligence Analysis and Production November 21, 2009 dod-5210-42-r.pdf Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program November 21, 2009 dodm-8260-03-m.pdf Global Force Management Unique Identification November 21, 2009 ms-cofee.htm Microsoft Demands Takedown of COFEE November 20, 2009 jason-lep.htm JASON: Nuclear Warhead Lifetime Extension November 20, 2009 anwar-alawlaki.htm Anwar Alawlaki Website November 19, 2009 eringer-v-monaco.pdf Robert Eringer Sues Monaco Again November 19, 2009 Navy Human Systems Integration November 18, 2009 (680KB) Navy Headquarters Staff Pandemic Plan November 18, 2009 (1.3MB) eo13519.htm Obama Orders Financial Fraud Enforcement Team November 18, 2009 obama-protect19.htm Obama Protection 19 November 18, 2009 usa-disasters13.htm Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 13 November 18, 2009 tsa111809.htm Aircraft Repair Station Security November 18, 2009 gao-10-252t.pdf Nuclear Smuggling SNAFU November 17, 2009 gao-10-230t.pdf Cybersecurity SNAFU November 17, 2009 gao-10-63r.pdf Wrongdoing by Inspectors General SNAFU November 16, 2009 gao-10-148.pdf OMB Critical Infrastructure Protection SNAFU November 16, 2009 thomson-prison.htm Thomson Correctional Center Eyeball November 16, 2009 fulton-baxter.htm Kevin Fulton Calls Cop Norman Baxter a Liar November 13, 2009 gao-10-28.pdf Los Alamos National Lab InfoSec SNAFU November 13, 2009 fincen111609.htm US Proposes Expansion of Financial Spying November 13, 2009 eo13518.htm Obama Orders Feds to Hire Warriors November 13, 2009 dos111309.htm War Promotion Group Meet November 13, 2009 obama-protect18.htm Obama Protection 18 November 11, 2009 KBR Halliburton Sued for Lethal Iraq Burn Pits November 10, 2009 (1.4MB) pn110609.htm WMD Emergency Prolonged By Top WMD User November 10, 2009 bis111009.htm RFC Chemical Weapons Convention Harm to Market November 10, 2009 FBI-Laredo TX Memo of Understanding FOUO November 7, 2009 (1.7MB) dodi-8420-01.pdf Commercial Wireless LAN Devices and Systems November 7, 2009 nrc110609.htm RFC Nuclear Facility Safety Culture Policy November 6, 2009 gao-10-178r.pdf Afghanistan Security Environment SNAFU November 5, 2009 david-03-07.htm Camp David Satellite Photo March 2007 November 5, 2009 (4.6MB) The Spy Who Threatens Monaco Prince Albert (FR) November 4, 2009 (4.7MB) bis110409.htm Encryption Export Simplification Correction November 4, 2009 usa-disasters12.htm Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 12 November 3, 2009 gsa110309.htm HomeSec Nebraska Avenue Master Plan EIS November 3, 2009 hhs110309.htm Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures November 3, 2009 doe110309.htm Energy Conservation Program Consumer Products November 3, 2009 hhs110209.htm H1N1 Emergency Use of Antiviral Peramivir November 2, 2009 eo13516.htm Obama Orders Prez Spy Board Revision November 2, 2009 hostage-guide.pdf Hostage-Barricaded Subject Incident November 2, 2009 obama-protect17.htm Obama Protection 17 November 1, 2009 Surgical Aide Sues Over Banner Hospital Filth November 1, 2009 (1.6MB) Space Situational Awareness Enviro Effects FOUO November 1, 2009 (7.0MB) space-weather.pdf National Security Space Architect on Weather November 1, 2009 O f f s i t e
NSA Patent            Identifying digital audio signal format          November 17, 2009

EU-US Spy 2           Draft EU US Bank Data Spying Pact 2              November 13, 2009         EU US Bank Data Spying Pact 1 (2007)             November 13, 2009 (1.6MB)
Kill Kids 1           Drones: Why Military Dreams Fail                 November 11, 2009
Kill Kids 2           CIA's Secret Drone War                           November 11, 2009
NSA Patent            Fabricating turning mirror and devices           November 11, 2009

OCTOBER 2009 Special Forces Tracking and Countertracking FOUO October 30, 2009 (5.3MB) gj-subpoena.pdf Grand Jury Subpoena Name and Docs Redacted October 30, 2009 nnsa103009.htm Y-12 Megadeath Factory Enviro Impact Statement October 30, 2009 usa-v-nozette4.htm USA v. Stewart D. Nozette October 29, 2009 DoD Counter IED SNAFU October 29, 2009 (570KB) Forward Base Protective Construction Guide FOUO October 29, 2009 (7.5MB) squalene-h1n1.htm Squalene in H1N1 Vaccine October 27, 2009 Influenza Pandemic May Cripple Financial Market October 27, 2009 (1MB) dhs102709.htm Anthrax Protection for First Responders Guide October 27, 2009 atsdr102709.htm Six Most Hazardous Substances and Diseases October 27, 2009 jonestown.htm Department of Defense Jonestown Tragedy Eyeball October 24, 2009 Defense Critical Infrastructure SNAFU October 23, 2009 (684KB) nist102309.htm Collapse of Dallas Cowboys Practice Tent Report October 23, 2009 Fujairah City Map October 22, 2009 (8.5MB) ntia102209.htm Broadband Data Transparency Workshop October 22, 2009 cmms102209.htm Medicare Premiums 2010 October 22, 2009 usa-disasters11.htm Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 11 October 21, 2009 osha102109.htm Combustible Dust Workplace Hazards October 21, 2009 nhtsa102109.htm Frontal Crash Fatalities Despite Safety Devices October 21, 2009 mcc102109.htm Millennium Challenge Corp Bribes Senegal October 21, 2009 phmsa102109.htm HazMat Shipment Harmonization as UN Recommends October 21, 2009 OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual October 21, 2009 (2.2MB) predator-war.htm The Predator War October 20, 2009 istac102009.htm InfoSysTech Export Advisory Panel Meet October 20, 2009 dnfsb102009.htm Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Meet October 20, 2009 usa-v-nozette.htm USA v. Stewart Nozette October 20, 2009 mossad-spoof.htm Alleged Spy Entrapped by Mossad Spoof October 19, 2009 dump-kaspersky.htm Dump Kaspersky Spy Garbage October 19, 2009 phmsa101909.htm HazMat Emergency Response Telephone Numbers October 19, 2009 epa101909.htm Drinking Water Regulations for Aircraft October 19, 2009 hit101909.htm Health Information Technology Meet October 19, 2009 eo13515.htm Obama Orders Asians-Pacific Islers Fed Benefits October 19, 2009 obama-protect16.htm Obama Protection 16 October 18, 2009 Nuclear Weapons Career Field Education-Training October 17, 2009 afspccl-32-7.pdf Nuclear Weapons Accident Response October 17, 2009 dodd-3150-02.pdf DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Program 2004 October 17, 2009 Joint Air Force NNSA Nuclear Weapons Manage October 17, 2009 (2.2MB) afpd-91-1.pdf Air Force Nuclear Weapons and Systems Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program 2008 October 17, 2009 Air Force Space Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force USAFE Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force Ramstein 1 Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force Ramstein 2 Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force AFMC 1 Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force AFMC 2 Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force AMC 1 Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force AMC 2 Nuclear Weapons Surety October 17, 2009 Air Force Nuclear Weapon System Safety 2007 October 17, 2009 Safety Rules for US-NATO Strike Fighters 2009 October 17, 2009 afi-91-116.pdf Safety Rules for Nuclear Weapons Storage October 17, 2009 Air Force Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Procedures October 17, 2009 (4.4MB) afsoci-33-201.pdf Air Force Special Ops Controlled Access Area October 17, 2009 Air Force Special Ops Status of Resources October 17, 2009 (4.8MB) Air Force Special Ops Operations Reporting October 17, 2009 (1.1MB) navsec-sow.pdf Navy Security Forces Training October 17, 2009 dodi-4140-66.pdf Regisration and Monitoring of Defense Articles October 17, 2009 dodi-5000-60.pdf Defense Industrial Capabilities Assessments October 17, 2009 Army Body Armor SNAFU October 16, 2009 (2.7MB) 090830 COMISAF Initial Assessment October 16, 2009 Afghan Cdr AAR Book (Currahee Edition) October 16, 2009 Afghanistan Force Requirements ISW October 16, 2009 af-barrel-04.pdf Forces Available For Afghanistan 2009-10 October 16, 2009 JP-3-24 Counterinsurgency Ops 091005 October 16, 2009 gao-10-163t.pdf Defense Contracting Audit SNAFU October 15, 2009 bis101509.htm Encryption Simplification Final Rule October 15, 2009 nrc101509.htm Nuclear Waste Burial in Texas October 15, 2009 gao-09-815.pdf GAO: Increase Tax War on Sole Proprietors October 14, 2009 dhs101409.htm HomeSec Privacy Impact Assessments October 14, 2009 nrc101409.htm Penalties for Unauthorized Weapons on Nuke Sites October 14, 2009 ntia101309.htm Broadband Tech Enviro Protection Exclusions October 13, 2009 good-soldiers.htm The Good Soldiers October 12, 2009 cdc-flu-fuzz8.htm CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports 8 October 12, 2009 nist100909.htm Smart Grid Cyber Security Strategy October 12, 2009 ps100909.htm Stamped Mail Over 13oz Must Be Spied October 12, 2009 Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) at NSA October 12, 2009 fouo-docs.htm Cryptome For Official Use Only Docs Archive October 11, 2009 ak-hss-2009.pdf Alaska 2009 Homeland Security Strategy FOUO October 11, 2009 Arkansas Homeland Security Training FOUO October 11, 2009 (1.1MB) Montana Homeland Security Training FOUO October 11, 2009 (387KB) oh-fly-oplan.pdf Ohio Wing Flight Operations Plan FOUO October 11, 2009 Combatting Terrorism Physical Security FOUO October 11, 2009 (378KB) mcc-perform.pdf Millennium Challenge Bribery Performance FOUO October 11, 2009 mcc-fraud.pdf Millennium Challenge Bribery Fraud FOUO October 11, 2009 Coast Guard Operation Arctic Crossroads FOUO October 11, 2009 (402KB) BLM Freeman Reservoir Fatality Report FOUO October 11, 2009 (3.8MB) sc-robbers.pdf South Carolina Retaurant Robberies FOUO October 11, 2009 vet-rural-health.pdf Veterans Rural Health Advisory Committee FOUO October 11, 2009 Army Portable Water Treatment Units FOUO October 11, 2009 (1.5MB) US 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Strategy October 11, 2009 (540KB) The Consuls' Files (Zipped) October 9, 2009 opnav-5300-12.pdf Navy Information Dominance Corps October 8, 2009 henri-exton.htm Henri Exton Undercover Spy for MI5 Revealed October 8, 2009 hts-harmsway.htm Congress Puts HTS Personnel in Harms Way October 8, 2009 ftc100709.htm How Will Journalism Survive the Internet Age? October 8, 2009 hhs100709.htm Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Info October 8, 2009 phmsa100709.htm Hazards of Lithium Battery Shipment October 8, 2009 ebsa100709.htm Insurance Genetic Info Discrimination Banned October 8, 2009 eo13514.htm Obama Orders Enviro-Energy-Economic Leadership October 8, 2009 eo13513.htm Obama Orders Minimal Fed Texting and Driving October 8, 2009 dos100609.htm State Offers Javits Report on Arms Exports October 8, 2009 aphis090509.htm Bovine Brucellosis-Tuberculosis Concept Papers October 5, 2009 Defense Science Board Spying Applications October 4, 2009 (1.0MB) hhs1001009.htm Kirtland Hangar 481 A-Bomb Radiation Victims October 3, 2009 osha093009.htm Hazard Communication Standard October 3, 2009 (1.0MB) sba093009.htm Small Business Information Security October 3, 2009 DoD State USAID Contingency Contracting SNAFU October 3, 2009 (1.6MB) TSA Security of Commercial Airports SNAFU October 3, 2009 (685KB) gao-09-951r.pdf US Embargo on Cuba Regulations SNAFU October 3, 2009 DTM-08-033.pdf DoD Military Health System Case Management October 3, 2009 obama-protect15.htm Obama Protection 15 October 2, 2009 O f f s i t e
Spy States            Improving Homeland Spying at the State Level     October 29, 2009
NYS Spy               New York State Homeland Spying Strategy 2009     October 29, 2009
How Kill              How a Torture Protest Killed a Career            October 27, 2009
Chip Bomb             Cyber Spooked: DoD Fears Trojan Payback          October 27, 2009
NSA Patent            Secure manhole accessway                         October 27, 2009

BW Boo                Scaremongering BioWarfare As Usual               October 21, 2009
Duped                 FBI Criminal Complaint Against Stewart Nozette   October 20, 2009
Bomb Surf             Trends in Terror Prep Net Surfing                October 15, 2009
Home Spying           Spy Guide for First Responders                   October 15, 2009
CTime                 Counterterrorism Calendar 2009                   October 15, 2009

Who You               James Bamford: Who's in NSA's Database?          October 15, 2009
Obama AF              PBS Frontline: Obama's War                       October 14, 2009
Gangsters 2           Who Got Access to Non-Public Counterfeit Pact    October 14, 2009
Gangsters 1           Who Gives Contracts to PK Government Bribers     October 14, 2009
Home Spy Tips         8 Signs of Terrorism Anyone Anytime Anywhere     October 9, 2009

DP                    Diplopundit Blog                                 October 9, 2009
CatA                  Consul at Arms Blog                              October 9, 2009
NIN                   Northeast Spying Network                         October 9, 2009
ACIDG                 Army Counterspying Discussion Group              October 9, 2009
Living                Hal Finney: Dying Outside                        October 8, 2009

NSA Patent            Waveguide made by sacrificial spacer layer       October 8, 2009
NSA Patent            Pattern device made by sacrificial spacer layer  October 8, 2009
MI Pork               DoD Releases Military Intel Program Budget Docs  October 5, 2009
Wanat                 Battle of Wanat Historical Analysis              October 5, 2009
mod-leak              2389 classified pages on how the UK stop leaks   October 5, 2009

SEPTEMBER 2009 Combatting Terrorism with Saudi Arabia SNAFU September 29, 2009 (1.0MB) nist092909.htm Electroshock Weapons Measurement Meet September 29, 2009 doj092909.htm Attorney General Boosts FOIA Compliance September 29, 2009 hit092909.htm Health InfoTech Standards Meet September 29, 2009 gao-09-983.pdf Security at National Icons and Parks SNAFU September 28, 2009 DELTA V High Speed Train Process Analyzers China September 27, 2009 (5.3MB) Bandar Perda District Cooling Plant Malaysia September 27, 2009 (1.2MB) dodi-5240-22.pdf Counterintelligence Support to Force Protection September 26, 2009 dodi-4640-07.pdf Telecomm Services in the National Capital Region September 26, 2009 dodi-1400-35.pdf Defense Civilian Spying Personnel System Ch 1 September 26, 2009 dodi-3000-04.pdf DoD Munitions Requirements Process September 26, 2009 qom-nuke.htm Iran Second Uranium Enrichment Facility Eyeball September 25, 2009 hqda-h1n1.htm Army Command Directive for H1N1 Pandemic FOUO September 25, 2009 DoD Domestic Operational Law Handbook 2009 September 25, 2009 (2.9MB) usa-v-smadi.htm USA v. Hosam Maher Husein Smadi September 25, 2009 usa-v-finton.htm USA v. Michael C Finton September 25, 2009 usa-v-kaziu.htm USA v. Betim Kaziu September 24, 2009 usa-v-zazi.htm USA v. Najibullah Zazi, Zazi and Afzali Update September 24, 2009 unconf-sec2.wmv United Nations Conference Security Video 09-0923 September 24, 2009 unconf-sec1.wmv United Nations Conference Security Video 09-0922 September 24, 2009 Attorney General Revises State Secrets Policy September 23, 2009 (1.2MB) unconf-sec2.htm UN Conference Security Eyeball 2 September 23, 2009 unconf-sec.htm UN Conference Security Eyeball 1 September 22, 2009 Navy Pandemic Influenza Policy September 21, 2009 (3.9MB) TARP Assistance to AIG Status September 21, 2009 (1.0MB) High-Containment Laboratories Oversight SNAFU September 21, 2009 (1.8MB) FY 2008 Federal Real Property Report September 19, 2009 (2.6MB) dodi-5134-09.pdf Missile Defense Agency September 19, 2009 dodi-3000-05.pdf Stability Operations September 19, 2009 dodi-1400-25-v2012 Civilian Spy Performance-Based Compensation September 19, 2009 dodi-1340-24.pdf Family Separation Allowance September 19, 2009 Google Voice Rejected for iPhone - Confidential September 18, 2009 (1.6MB) doc091809.htm Industry Webinar on Climate Change Negotiations September 18, 2009 Guide to Info Sharing and Data Interoperability September 17, 2009 (1.8MB) Priority Data Exchanges for Local Comms Centers September 17, 2009 (777KB) phosphine.pdf Chemical Terrorism Factsheet on Phosphine September 17, 2009 opnav-4900-100h.pdf United States Military Group, Venezuela 2006 September 16, 2009 United States Military Group, Venezuela 2004 September 16, 2009 (678KB) obama-biz.htm Shadow Government - Obama Czars Update September 16, 2009 nyc-crud.htm New York City Crud Competition September 16, 2009 obama-protect14.htm Obama Protection 14 September 15, 2009 hit091509.htm Health InfoTech Standards Panel Recommendations September 15, 2009 treas091509.htm Risk-Based Capital Guidelines September 15, 2009 gsa091509.htm DHS New Headquarters EIS September 15, 2009 dhs-biosec.pdf DHS Biosecurity Assessments and Activities FOUO September 14, 2009 worship-sec.pdf Terrorist Threat to Worship Places FOUO September 14, 2009 gamble-sec.pdf Terrorist Threat to Gambling Places FOUO September 14, 2009 counter-ied-biz.htm The Counter-IED Systems Market 2009-2019 September 13, 2009 milf-usman.htm Moro Islamic Liberation Front Leader Usman Photo September 12, 2009 dodi-5100-73.pdf Major DoD Headquarters Activities September 12, 2009 DTM-09-019.pdf DoD Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence September 12, 2009 pn091009.htm Obama Bumper Stickers Terrorist Threat September 11, 2009 pp8412.htm Obama Bumper Stickers National Preparedness September 11, 2009 nrc091009.htm Access to Safeguards Information by UTexas September 10, 2009 fta091009.htm Proposed Real Oversight of Transit Pork Projects September 10, 2009 dod091009.htm Nuclear Megadeath Panel Secret Meet September 10, 2009 CRS: US Conventional Arms Transfers 2001-2008 September 10, 2009 (721KB) Homeland Defense SNAFU September 9, 2009 (900KB) gao-09-1015t.pdf Afghanistan and Pakistan Oversight SNAFU September 9, 2009 uscg090909.htm Coast Guard Security Zone at Cameron LNG Basin September 9, 2009 lambert-deperm.htm Navy Lamberts Point Deperming Station Eyeball September 8, 2009 Mirror: NATO Restricted Report on RU Missiles September 8, 2009 (876KB) us-mc-tiea.pdf US and Monaco Tax Information Exchange Pact September 8, 2009 nga-09-0225.htm Geospatial Spy New Campus Under Construction September 8, 2009 nga081109.pdf Geospatial Spy Job FOUO September 8, 2009 acq-security.pdf DoD Acquisition Security FOUO September 8, 2009 DoD Sea Disposal of Military Munitions September 7, 2009 (324KB) frb110109.pdf Fed Reserve Cash Operations Manual of Procedures September 7, 2009 afpak-towers.htm Afpak Communications Towers Eyeball September 7, 2009 fac090809.htm Cuban Assets Control Regulations September 6, 2009 bis090809.htm Revision of Export to Cuba Retrictions September 6, 2009 afpak-comms.htm Afpak Communications Eyeball September 6, 2009 milf-photos.htm Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Photos September 5, 2009 dodd-1400-35.pdf Defense Civilian Spy Personnel System September 5, 2009 dodi-1400-25-v2007 Defense Civilian Spy Occupational Structure September 5, 2009 dodi-1400-25-v2008 Defense Civilian Spy Awards and Recognition September 5, 2009 dodi-1400-25-v2011 Defense Civilian Spy Performance Management September 5, 2009 dodi-1400-25-v631 Defense Civilian Spy Credit for Previous Work September 5, 2009 dodi-1400-25-t2.htm Defense Civilian Personnel Management Table 2 September 5, 2009 gwb-shields.htm George Washington Bridge Blast Shields Eyeball September 4, 2009 af-fun-news-02.htm Afghanistan Military Sudden Death Account September 4, 2009 af-fun-news-01.htm Afghanistan Airstrike Kills 90 September 4, 2009 rita090409.htm Distracted Driving Summit September 4, 2009 faa090409.htm Aircraft Design Maneuvering Speed Limitation September 4, 2009 bis090409.htm Impact of Proposed Defense Stockpile Disposal September 4, 2009 nist090409.htm Technology Innovation Program Seeks White Papers September 4, 2009 uscg090309.htm Definition of Marine Debris September 3, 2009 faa090309.htm FAA: Replace Airbus Airspeed Indicator September 3, 2009 doj-cia-090209.pdf DoJ Says 100 CIA Torture Tapes Docs to Come September 2, 2009 aclu-090109.pdf ACLU DoJ DoD CIA Set Review of 35 Torture Docs September 2, 2009 fdic090209.htm Qualifications for Failed Bank Acquisitions September 2, 2009 hit090209.htm Health Information Technology Panels Meet September 2, 2009 ar381-10.pdf US Army Intelligence Activities September 1, 2009 pam420-1-3.pdf Army Transportation Infrastructure and Dams September 1, 2009 ad2009-02.pdf Army Casualty Program (Dover AFB Media Access) September 1, 2009 Army Protection September 1, 2009 (975KB) Army Oversight of Sensitive Activities September 1, 2009 (4.8MB) doj-cia-083109.pdf DoJ Delays Release of 181 CIA Torture Docs September 1, 2009 Blow-Away Housing Ground Anchor Testing September 1, 2009 (925KB) O f f s i t e
ICD-710               DNI Classification and Control Markings          September 19, 2009
EMPork                Electromagnetic Pulse Pork Frenzy                September 18, 2009

KeyLog                Electrical outlets and lasers to steal data      September 18, 2009
CIA WOAN              CIA: Work of a Nation                            September 17, 2009
ICD-601               DNI Human Capital Joint Spy Assignments Update   September 11, 2009
Grip 1                Controlling the Global Economy 1                 September 10, 2009
Grip 2                Controlling the Global Economy 2                 September 10, 2009

NATO Doc              NATO Restricted Report on Russian Missiles       September 8, 2009
NGA Jobs              Geospatial Spy Job Openings                      September 8, 2009
C130 Spy              NSA C-130 Shootdown in 1958                      September 6, 2009
RV                    Radical Views                                    September 6, 2009
EU Panic              What ambitions for European defence in 2020      September 6, 2009

GWB Armor             Video: George Washington Bridge Blast Shields    September 5, 2009
Kill Fun              Texas Kills an Innocent Man (Gerald Hurst Stars) September 4, 2009
Pipe Fun              Gerald Hurst on Accidental Pipe Bomb Suicide     September 4, 2009
ANFO Fun              Gerald Hurst on ANFO Making and Exploding        September 4, 2009
explo-fun             Explosives Usenet Archive (Gerald Hurst Fun)     September 4, 2009

Geek Spies            How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade              September 4, 2009
Libre Uno             Treasury Amends Cuban Assets Control Regulations September 3, 2009
MS Host Spy           De-anonymizing the Internet Using Unreliable IDs September 2, 2009
CIA Hideous           CIA Says Torture Docs Too God-Awful to Release   September 2, 2009
NSA Patent            Monitoring multiple computer system calls        September 1, 2009
AUGUST 2009 epa083109.htm Carbon Dioxide Geologic Sequestration Wells August 31, 2009 doe083109.htm Energy Conservation of Cold Beverage Machines August 31, 2009 birk-quran.htm American Qur'an by Sandow Birk August 29, 2009 dodd-6490-02e.pdf DoD Comprehensive Health Surveillance August 29, 2009 doj-cia-081409.pdf DoJ Summarizes CIA Tapes Destruction Documents August 28, 2009 WMD Manual for First Responders August 28, 2009 (1.3MB) Pentagon Post Disaster Health Assessment August 28, 2009 (8.5MB) frazier.htm Gov Contractor Posts Photos of Sensitive Sites August 28, 2009 Law Enforcement Spying Guide (5.1MB) August 27, 2009 fda082609.htm FDA Sets Cancer Stick Death Fight August 26, 2009 tsa082609.htm Reporting of Transportation Security Issues August 26, 2009 frs082609.htm Fed Reserve Sets Truth in Lending Part 2 (1.2MB) August 26, 2009 frs082609-2.htm Fed Reserve Sets Truth in Lending Part 3 (1.3MB) August 26, 2009 nhtsa082609.htm Long-Term Effect of Anti-Braking Systems August 26, 2009 fda082609.htm FDA Sets Cancer Stick Death Fight August 26, 2009 tsa082609.htm Reporting of Transportation Security Issues August 26, 2009 frs082609.htm Federal Reserve Sets Truth in Lending Part II August 26, 2009 (1.2MB) frs082609-2.htm Federal Reserve Sets Truth in Lending Part III August 26, 2009 (1.3MB) nhtsa082609.htm Long-Term Effect of Anti-Braking Systems August 26, 2009 doe082609.htm H-Prize Competition for Hydrogen Storage August 26, 2009 wtc082509.htm WTC Reconstruction Progress Hi-Res Photos August 25, 2009 CIA Reports on Interrogations Updated August 25, 2009 (6MB) ftc082509.htm FTC Health Records Breach Notification Rule August 25, 2009 phmsa082509.htm Lithium Batteries HazMat Shipping Desscriptions August 25, 2009 Spying in Contemporary Media August 24, 2009 (1.2MB) cia082409.htm CIA on Material on Past Detention Practices August 24, 2009 doj082409.htm DoJ Interrogations Task Force Reports to Obama August 24, 2009 pirate-story.htm A Somali Pirate Story August 24, 2009 hhs082409.htm Breach of Unsecured Protected Health Information August 24, 2009 fcc082409.htm RFC Broadband Over Power Line Systems August 24, 2009 va082409.htm Determinations for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder August 24, 2009 pal-recoders.jpg Nuclear Weapon Permissive Action Link Recoders August 23, 2009 obama-vineyard.htm Obama Martha's Vineyard Vacation Estate Eyeball August 22, 2009 obama-protect13.htm Obama Protection 13 August 22, 2009 dodi-3150-09.pdf Chem Bio Rad Nuke Survivability Policy August 22, 2009 dodi-6055-11.pdf Protecting Personnel from Electromagnetic Fields August 22, 2009 DOD Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards August 22, 2009 (2.9MB) DTM-08-027.pdf Security of Unclassified Info on Non-DoD Systems August 22, 2009 dodi-1400-25v2011.pdf DoD Civilian Spying Personnel Management August 22, 2009 Discharge or Release from Active Duty Forms August 22, 2009 (2.3MB) us-mission-un.htm New US Mission to the UN Nearing Completion August 20, 2009 xe-08-growth.htm Xe Blackwater Growth Eyeball August 20, 2009 MRAPINCIDENT.pps Photos: MRAP Personnel Survive 500 lb IED August 20, 2009 nz-tax-charade.htm New Zealand Tax Charade Update August 19, 2009 US-UBS Agreements on Tax Pact August 19, 2009 hack-ap-spy.htm Hacking the Associated Press Spy Code August 18, 2009 hatcher-trap.htm Russia Sets Sexual Honeytrap for Kyle Hatcher August 18, 2009 dol081809.htm Regulation Overkill: Contingency Ops Death Pay August 18, 2009 wikileaks-again.htm Wikileaks Inquiry Yet Again Update August 18, 2009 alq-finance.htm New Patterns in Al-Qaeda Financing FOUO August 17, 2009 ostp081709.htm Recovery From Biological Disasters August 17, 2009 uscg081709.htm Safety Zones for Neptune LNG Deep Water Port August 17, 2009 dos081709.htm Greek Insurgents in the USA Beware August 17, 2009 Personnel Casualty Matters, Policies, Procedures August 15, 2009 dodi-5025-12.pdf Standardization of Military Terminology August 15, 2009 secnav-3030-4c.pdf Navy Continuity of Operations Program 07/2009 August 14, 2009 secnav-4001-2j.pdf Navy Acceptance of Gifts August 14, 2009 nist081409.htm NIST WTC Failure Investigation Videos Available August 14, 2009 eta081409.htm Unemployment Benefits Upticked August 14, 2009 gsa081409.htm Federal Public Defibrillators Upticked August 14, 2009 frs081409.htm Federal Reserve Sets Truth about Student Loans August 14, 2009 obama-protect12.htm Obama Protection 12 August 14, 2009 DHS Cyber Security Monitor FOUO August 13, 2009 flu-exercise.pdf Pandemic Flu Exercise FAQ FOUO August 13, 2009 mail-sec.pdf Mail and Package Handling Security FOUO August 13, 2009 microsoft-hole.pdf Microsoft Server Vulnerability FOUO August 13, 2009 dnfsb081209.htm Risk Assessment at Defense Nuclear Facilities August 12, 2009 ftc081209.htm Oil Market Manipulation Prohibited August 12, 2009 don081209.htm Vast Undersea Warfare Training Range August 12, 2009 dos081209.htm Diplomatic Documentation Declassification Meet August 12, 2009 nbsb081109.htm Biodefense Medical Countermeasure Inventory August 11, 2009 bis081109.htm Export Control of Execution and Torture Devices August 11, 2009 afghan-narco.pdf Afghanistan's Narco War: Targeting Traffickers August 10, 2009 cbp081009.htm Customs Expands Global Entry Airports August 10, 2009 harvey-eyeball.htm CIA Harvey Point Bomb School Update (Hi-rez) August 9, 2009 nasa-spying.pdf NASA Targeted Monitoring of Electronic Data August 7, 2009 hmx1-gouge.doc Prez Chopper New Pilot Check-in (Open read only) August 7, 2009 hts-killpacify.htm Human Terrain System in the Kill-Pacify Chain August 7, 2009 Mirror of I Heart JADE Blog August 7, 2009 (6.5MB) yrs-eyeball.htm Eyeballing the Yakima Echelon Station Update August 7, 2009 nukedump.jpg Eyeballing Burial of Submarine Reactors Update August 7, 2009 sec080709.htm SEC to Ban Investment Adviser Political Bribery August 7, 2009 bop080709.htm Federal Prison Business Booming August 7, 2009 va080709.htm Pay Ranges for VA Physicians and Dentists August 7, 2009 opnav-1720-4a.pdf Navy Suicide Prevention Program August 6, 2009 gov-cn-info.htm CN Government IP Information August 6, 2009 g20-pittsburgh.htm G-20 The Pittsburgh Summit Preparations August 6, 2009 gao-09-771.pdf Ballistic Misssile Defense in EU SNAFU August 6, 2009 gao-09-851.pdf BSL-4 Laboratories Improved Perimeter Security August 6, 2009 gao-09-942r.pdf Unemployment Insurance Measures in ARRA August 6, 2009 modern-war.htm Modern War-Decline of Parliamentary Sovereignty August 6, 2009 chilcot-inquiry.htm Not yet Another Inquiry into the Iraq War! August 6, 2009 obama-protect11.htm Obama Protection 11 August 6, 2009 dos080609.htm Temporary Export Exemption for Body Armor August 6, 2009 fcc080609.htm Medical Body Area Network August 6, 2009 gsa080609.htm Identity Management August 6, 2009 dod080609.htm DoD Promotes Courageous Law Schools August 6, 2009 black-prince.htm Blackwater Accused of Murder-Muslim Crusade August 5, 2009 mcguinness-gunman.htm IRA Gunman Martin McGuinness 1972 Photo August 5, 2009 pm073009.htm Obama Sets Stem Cell Research Guidelines August 5, 2009 marad080509.htm TORP-Bienville Offshore LNG Deepwater Port August 5, 2009 nrc080509.htm Uranerz Nichols Ranch In-Situ Uranium Recovery August 5, 2009 dia-nearby.htm New Building Nearby Defense Intelligence Agency August 4, 2009 Chief NavOps Executive Decision-Making Process August 4, 2009 (852KB) TSA Screening Pat-Downs - Sensitive Sec Info August 4, 2009 (2.9MB) hhs080409.htm HHS Affirms H1N1 Flu National Security Threat August 4, 2009 fda080409.htm FDA Emergency Use of H1N1 Flu Antiviral Drugs August 4, 2009 fda080409-2.htm FDA Emergency Use of H1N1 Flu Respiratory Aids August 4, 2009 fda080409-3.htm FDA Emergency Use of H1N1 Flu In Vitro Devices August 4, 2009 nrc080409.htm Safety Control Systems at Nuke Fuel Facilities August 4, 2009 DoD Unmanned Aircraft Systems Acquisition SNAFU August 3, 2009 State Dept Soviet Spy Docs August 3, 2009 (2.6MB) don080309.htm Navy Inventions for Licensing August 3, 2009 bruce-lovett.htm Bruce-Lovett Report on CIA Covert Actions 1956 August 3, 2009 dodi-5105-60.pdf National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency August 1, 2009 O f f s i t e
OLC Hurt              DoJ Documents on CIA Interrogation and Torture   August 31, 2009
Leak This             Gmail may hand over IP addresses of journalists  August 31, 2009
Spyware               Free Spying: Legit or a Sting                    August 31, 2009
NSA Patent            Method of protecting a computer stack            August 27, 2009

MS Foobar             Conficker Allegedly Outguns Cyberwarriors        August 27, 2009
Hist-Sec              Perimeter Security for Historic Buildings        August 19, 2009
Xe-Black              Xe-Blackwater US Training Center                 August 13, 2009
Book Grab             The Great Google Book Grab                       August 8, 2009
NSA Patent            Method of identifying duplicate voice recording  August 5, 2009

JULY 2009 DHS Plum Island Lab Foot-Mouth-Disease SNAFU July 31, 2009 (Updated) nrc073109.htm Enviro Hazards of Nuclear Power License Renewal July 31, 2009 nbsb073109.htm National Biodefense Science Panel Frets H1N1 Flu July 31, 2009 hit073109.htm Health Info Tech Panels Meet July 31, 2009 epa073109.htm Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide in Water Treatment July 31, 2009 nara073109.htm NARA Bans Photography in Public Exhibit Space July 31, 2009 Spy Sharing Environment July 30, 2009 (2.6MB) cia-global.htm CIA: Creating Global Spying July 30, 2009 gao-09-743r.pdf US-Russia Nuclear Agreement SNAFU July 29, 2009 gao-09-909t.pdf H1N1 Flu Pandemic Planning SNAFU July 29, 2009 tsa072909.htm Pipeline Operator Security Information July 29, 2009 pipeline-sec.pdf Pipeline Security Information Circular FOUO July 29, 2009 ferc072909.htm Reporting of Intrastate Natural Gas Companies July 29, 2009 air-samplers.htm Air Samplers July 28, 2009 dhs-datacall.pdf DHS Call for National Calamity Nominations FOUO July 28, 2009 dni-0309.htm Directorate of National Intelligence, March 2009 July 27, 2009 Federal Emergency Communications SNAFU July 27, 2009 (2.3MB) cdc-072409.pdf CDC Director's Update Brief Pandemic H1N1 FOUO July 27, 2009 omb072709.htm Federal Websites Tracking Technologies July 27, 2009 ferc072709.htm Smart Grid Policy July 27, 2009 nsa-sa-0309.htm National Security Agency San Antonio, March 2009 July 26, 2009 ccc-zensiert.htm Der CCC zensiert! July 26, 2009 ivins-docs.htm Bruce Ivins Anthrax Documents July 26, 2009 Open Source Intelligence Link Directory July 25, 2009 (1.4MB) State Dept Encryption of Laptops SNAFU SBU July 25, 2009 (1.7MB) cdc-flu-fuzz7.htm CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports 7 July 25, 2009 dodi-3020-50.pdf Contractors Operating in Contingency Operations July 25, 2009 nist072409.htm 3rd Smart Grid Interoperability Stds Workshop July 24, 2009 nnsa072409.htm Continued Operation of NV Megadeath Test Site July 24, 2009 opnav-1620-3.pdf Administration of Regional Restriction Barracks July 23, 2009 usace072309.htm Restricted Areas at Cape Canaveral AF Station July 23, 2009 faa072309.htm FAA Safety Management System July 23, 2009 cdc-072109.pdf CDC Director's Update Brief Pandemic H1N1 FOUO July 22, 2009 dignified-dead.htm Dignified Transfers of the Military Dead July 22, 2009 usa-disasters10.htm Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters 10 July 22, 2009 pp8396.htm Obama Spews Ike's Military-Industrial Puckey July 22, 2009 fra072109.htm Positive Train Control Systems July 22, 2009 tsa072109.htm TSA Revision of Enforcement Procedures July 21, 2009 pm071709.htm Obama Assigns Guantanamo Reporting July 21, 2009 gao-09-740r.pdf Defense Critical Infrastructure SNAFU July 20, 2009 nrc072009.htm Nuclear Plant Emergency Response Data Upgrade July 20, 2009 afpak-archive.htm Afpak Photo War Archive July 18, 2009 cdc-071709.pdf CDC Director's Update Brief Pandemic H1N1 FOUO July 18, 2009 dodi-5010-43.pdf Continuous Process Improvement/Lean Six Sigma July 18, 2009 cdc-flu-fuzz6.htm CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports 6 July 17, 2009 Federal Information Security SNAFU July 17, 2009 dod071709.htm Security Contractors in Contingency Operations July 17, 2009 ferc071509.htm 23 Misssissippi River Hydrokinetic Projects July 17, 2009 fema071609.htm National Disaster Housing Strategy July 16, 2009 fso-no-iraq.htm US Foreign Service Officer Denied Iraq Service July 15, 2009 co071509.htm Deposit of E-Works Available Only Online July 15, 2009 alien-rights.pdf Trafficking in Persons and Worker Exploitation July 15, 2009 usa-disasters9.htm Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters Part 9 July 15, 2009 cdc-071409.pdf CDC Director's Update Brief Pandemic H1N1 FOUO July 15, 2009 cdc-071009.pdf CDC Director's Update Brief Pandemic H1N1 July 15, 2009 Satellite Imagery and Spectacle of Secret Spaces July 14, 2009 (2.6MB) Coast Guard Deepwater Program SNAFU July 14, 2009 (660KB) cdc-h1n1-0609.pdf Director's Update Brief Pandemic H1N1 FOUO SBU July 14, 2009 kill-lawyers.pdf Targeted Killing: US Counterterror Strategy-Law July 14, 2009 cdc-flu-fuzz5.htm CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports 5 July 13, 2009 Nuclear Plant Barrier Penetration Database July 13, 2009 what-cost.pdf At What Cost, Intelligence? July 12, 2009 DoD Overseas Contingency Operations July 11, 2009 nnsa071009.htm Los Alamos Megadeath Factory Affirmed July 10, 2009 bop071009.htm Annual Cost of Federal Incarceration July 10, 2009 af-photo-war-04.htm Afghanistan Photo War 4 Updated July 9, 2009 ubs-usa-2.pdf Court Response to USA Demand for UBS Names July 9, 2009 UBS Response to USA Demand for Names July 9, 2009 Nuclear Officer Incentive Pay Program July 8, 2009 (973KB) gao-09-859t.pdf Protection of Federal Buildings SNAFU July 8, 2009 cdc-flu-fuzz4.htm CDC Fuzzes H1N1 Pandemic Reports 4 July 6, 2009 secnav-3300-1c.pdf Navy Law of War Program July 6, 2009 google-ads-gag.htm Google AdWords Bans Abortion Services Ads July 6, 2009 gao-09-567.pdf IRS Tax Penalties SNAFU July 6, 2009 occ070609.htm Funding and Liquidity Risk Management Guidance July 6, 2009 bis070609.htm Export of Chemical WMD Technology Revised July 6, 2009 doj070609.htm DoJ Vehicular Digital Multimedia Spying System July 6, 2009 noaa070609.htm NOAA Approves Marine Slaughter for LNG WMD July 6, 2009 usa-disasters8.htm Glimpses of America's Man-Made Disasters Part 8 July 5, 2009 jenvey-hamza2.htm Glen Jenvey Statement on Abu Hamza July 4, 2009 wikileaks-note3.htm Wikileaks Note 3 On the Leaks Industry July 4, 2009 4th of July Security Awareness FOUO July 3, 2009 3rd of July Threat Warning FOUO July 3, 2009 wikileaks-note2.htm Wikileaks Note 2 On the Leaks Industry July 2, 2009 nsa070209.htm NSA Campus Development Project at Fort Meade July 2, 2009 gchq-funny.htm Funny Thing on the Way to the GCHQ Doughnut July 2, 2009 occ070109.htm Enhancing Accuracy and Integrity of Credit Info July 1, 2009 fec070109.htm Federal Election Website Improvement Initiative July 1, 2009 bpm070109.htm World Champion Promoter of Patriotic Killing July 1, 2009 doe070109.htm DoE Disposal of Excess Cancerous Uranium July 1, 2009 O f f s i t e MS Patent Secure key exchange with mutual authentication July 22, 2009 IBM Patent Anonymous transfer of messages July 22, 2009 NSA Zip NSA: Encrypting Files with WinZip July 7, 2009 GS Gobble Goldman Sachs Great Bubble Machine July 5, 2009 EMP Nuts GOP continues to grow the EMP Crazy vote July 4, 2009 NYPD HiSec Protective Design for High Risk Buildings July 2, 2009